Welcome to /Self Promotion Studios/ where we curate a limited collection
of fashion jewelry designed to promote your self. Sometimes we get emails from visitors asking for background on Self Promotion Studios and whether we are for real. We answered this in our FAQs and thought we would do a post talking "About Us" and our story:

Self Promotion Studios wasstarted by three friends
Yup we are very, very real ! Self Promotion Studios was started by three friends: Jess, Nicole, and Tiffany. The three of us have always been super-passionate about expressing our personalities and moods through fashion.
We love how a chunky pair of boots or a long flowing trench coat or a bold piece of jewelry can perfectly reflect your mood and personality at any given moment and also how changing what you wear can completely transform the version of yourself that you put out into the world .
It is so fascinating how just changing your necklace from something simple to something bold and eye-catching can completely change the look of your entire OOTD